Perfect Money Mass Payment Tool

Account ID: Account Number:
Pass Word:
Transfer List:


This tool allows you to send one or more payments from your Perfect Money account to other Perfect Money members.


Please refer to install.txt, which was provided with this package, for detailed installation instructions.

Form fields definitions

Account ID — this is your account Loin ID.
Account Number — this is your account Number.Like U1234567
Security Word — Your Loin Password.

Transfer List Format

You need to fill "Transfer List" text area with lines in the following format:

<target account>, <amount>, <memo>


<target account> — Destination account (has to start with a letter).
<amount> — amount of the transfer.
<memo> — memo that will be seen by the recipient. Memo is optional and can contain additional commas.


U1234567, 10.25, First memo
U7654321, 99.99, Second, memo